A review by filmingpages
Netherfield Prep by Elizabeth Stevens


*Thak you Voracious Readers and Elizabeth Stevens for the free copy of this book in exchange with an honest review*

I have to admit I had high expectations for this book! What I mean with that is that I wasn't expecting to be anything close to Austen's work, but I was expecting to find all the characters I already love in a new background, but with the same personalities in the original book. "Netherfield Prep" managed to live up to my expectations and I devoured the book in two days' time!

I won't say that there weren't some things that I didn't particularly like, but I won't focus on them, because overall I really enjoyed the book. There's one thing that I want to point out though. Lily is extremely liked by everyone and also everyone seems to be attracted to her! If I remember correctly, there are 4 boys in total that fall in love with her and I thought that it feels a bit too much and a bit unrealistic. It's like there weren't other girls in that school and everyone loved Lily as soon as she came in and all the boys were in her feet, begging her to spend some time with them.

My favourite character has to be Jax, he was simply the cutest little bean ever! He's relationship with Anne and I think it really captured Bingley and Jane's relationship. he was so spontaneous and fun, the total opposite of his moody brother. Together they had the funniest exchanges, with Jax trying to get Austin to loosen up and Austin being the ever sarcastic teenager!

The book is written in two different POV's. It interchanges between Lily and Austin and it's something I really liked, because it gives us insight in both their views of the same event and we can understand better what they think of each other. I also liked their relationship a lot and I'm so glad because Elizabeth and Darcy are my favourite and I wanted to love them in this reimagining too!

All in all, "Netherfield Prep" is a very good reimagining of "Pride and Prejudice" that I read as fast as I could, since I wanted to see how the events would unfold next! Even though I knew the plot and how it would end, that didn't lessen my enthusiasm for the book at all!!