A review by emjm
Jasper Vale by Devney Perry


I finished this book a few weeks ago and completely forgot about it until just now, so that should tell you how I felt about this book overall (in that 3 stars are extremely generous). I shouldn't beat the same dead horse about how every book in this series is the same as the one before with slight variation, but Jasper's backstory was basically the same as Memphis' family situation and backstory in Book 2, and blatantly so. It was, at the very least, quick and mostly enjoyable enough when I let it be.

One positive here: it had a trope that I love, and I rarely see done (anymore, at least). The "waking up in Vegas with a surprise marriage license" shtick is one that, for whatever reason, I can't get enough of. Whether it be in movies, TV shows, books, etc., I will always give this kind of story a chance. I guess it's a guilty pleasure because as an idea, it sounds ridiculous. There's something about people acting completely out of character on a whim and having that blow up and out into their lives and seeing how they deal with it that keeps me on the edge of my seat. So, the execution here wasn't the best, but it did have that going for it.