A review by kerryppayne
The Drift by C.J. Tudor


"The earth is full of dead good guys".

Hannah, Meg & Carter. What a ride. One stuck in a cable car suspended hundreds of feet in the air, one in an overturned coach and another inside a supposedly safe building, in the midst of a snowstorm, all fighting for survival, all with their own secrets.

I read this book in less than a day. It was like a rollercoaster where you can't figure out which way is up or forwards for all the twists and loops. I could not see how this was all going to come together in the end which is what I love in a book. I thought I'd have had enough of end-of-the-world-pandemic after 2020 but this book kept me hooked from page 1 and wanting more, I wish I could reread for the first time again. If i had to pick one criticism it would be the Meg chapters, they were my least favourite, out of the three these were the least interesting for myself, with the others having far more substance to them. But the entire book is gripping and I need to remind myself to keep C.J Tudor on my auto-buy author list.