A review by terriaminute
Best Gay Stories 2017 by Joe Okonkwo, M. Arbon


DNF. I am not the target audience for this, obv, being straight, but also, I'm unwilling to read any more depressing stories. If you have trouble with that too, here's your warning.

"How to Survive Overwhelming Loss and Lonliness In 5 Easy Steps" by David James Parr: This one is a slice of tragedy told in punchy sentences around the five easy steps, and it's good. Not cheery, but good.
"Black Sheep Boy" by Martin Pousson: this one lost me a bit, and feels like a vignette more than a story, but it kept me reading.
"Dancing in the Dark" by Edgar Gomez: beautiful. Terrifying, but quietly, mostly, except when it isn't.
"One More Day" by George Seaton: This one wears farm life like a skin and is bittersweet.

At 20% in:
"In Our Cars" by Mark William Lindberg: I hated everything about this one except it's short. Like a punch. And as painful.
"Usefulness" by Val Prozorova: soothing. Not my kink at all, but soothing.
"Off the Hudson" by Mike Dressel: well written. I hate it.

There is where I stopped, at 29%, instantly relieved to be done. Reminded that in most cases, "best" means "most depressing."