A review by rachielove9
Perfect by Rachel Joyce


I read half of this book and got stuck. I felt heartbroken about all the characters involved, but I just couldn't see where it was going, so I set it aside and read a few other novels.

And then I went back. And I learned more about Diana, I met Beverly, I read through as a world came tumbling down, and I don't think that this story will ever leave me. This story of two seconds, of not two seconds, of how just two seconds can turn a whole world on its axis and change everything. It's the butterfly effect, something so small can set a world of trouble in motion, or a world of light. It would be awfully hard to tell what one small thing can do.

My favorite line from the novel:

"Her removal was so sudden it lacked all credibility." The whole book is written like that, in sentences that leap out at you, words used in ways you hadn't quite thought of before, but once you read them like that, it seems silly that they haven't always been used that way.