A review by meeners
The Mother Hunt by Marilyn Wallace, Rex Stout


nero wolfe's misogyny is just barely tolerable because it's clear his opinions do not coincide with the author's own . . . but again, only just barely. i want to zap myself into these books, hunt wolfe down, and then psychoanalyze the hell out of him. i think it'd be fun (oral fixation much?????), although i don't think wolfe would agree. well, here's a newsflash for you, mr. wolfe: women don't like you, either!

with that said, i did have a fun time reading this. best lines:
"She sipped a Bloody Mary as if she could take it or leave it." (p. 41)

" . . . I had no worries behind me, since it was Saul who was checking on Anne Tenzer. If necessary he could find out where and when she ate lunch on January 17, whether anybody remembered or not, without getting anybody curious or stirring up any dust. That may sound far-fetched, and it is, but he is unquestionably a seventh son or something." (p. 45)

"'You have the nerve of a one-legged man at an ass-kicking convention,' he said." (p. 121)