A review by theconorhilton
The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry by Wendell Berry


I ADORE this book. Wendell offers a prophetic call to action that feels all too relevant today. I love the way that he sits outside of normal ideological boxes and presents a vision of the world and what we can be that is rooted in his own personal experience AND is unafraid to challenge the status quo from a variety of angles.

It's rare to find such a thoughtful writer that I think would anger and thrill both progressive and conservative folks in the US.

I long for and am wary of Wendell's call for a simpler world, stripped of some of the technology and complexity that we have added to it. I am challenged, and invigorated!, by Wendell's commitment to the communal nature of existence, that none of us are independent or autonomous, but that we all depend on others and can only choose whether that dependence is responsible or irresponsible. Loads of food for thought packed into this essay collection--best read in small doses to chew on and savor.