A review by norrin2
Smax by Alan Moore


Alan Moore is great. Top 10, the series this book spun off from was great. Smax is not great. Part of the problem is the art. Zander Cannon was the inker on Top 10, and he made Gene Ha's art shine, but his simpler cartoony style does not fit with the characters we know from Top 10. The background jokes that were such a delight to search for in Ha's work are upfront in your face here. And worst of all, the fearsome dragon that scares Jaffs -- who isn't scared of anything else -- looks like a big pussycat.
And part of the problem is Moore's writing. I think this is supposed to be a satire on fantasy novels, but if that's so, then why all the rape and incest? I guess we're supposed to think it's happy ending when the hero slays the big pussycat and then marries his sister(?!)