A review by gothicglasses
Double Cross by Carolyn Crane


Since it is now 1:46 in the morning right now and mom will kill me if i stay up much longer than this. but i just had to write one part of my review. It might be spoilers just warning. Adding on to this today now that I'm not about to fall over from exhaustion. :P

Justine I love her except her decision making. I can live with that though. I don't have much to say about her other than what I put in the first book review.

Packard Now I like his character a whole hell of a lot more than I did during the first book. I understand him better, I hope. He does seem to lie a lot but I'm going with it. I enjoyed his character.

Simon Oh Simon. how I love your crazy character. I want to get to know you much better than we do know you. I love what he did in this book and I noticed something when ever Justine calls he answers. Why can't Justine go for you! :P Your perfect in your imperfectness. You are my favorite character of them all... I will quit before this gets weird. :D

Otto YOU BASTARD! how dare you do what you did! I hate him even more than I did in the first book. He does something in this book that.... *screams* not cool man. not cool at freaking all. I hope you die! die. die. die. die. die! He is a crazy face.

The Ending I won't say too much in fear of telling what happens but nnnnnoooooooooo! During the end I about threw it against a wall but since it is my friend's book I didn't. It was a close thing. too close. :)

Oh but I loved the book :P it was emotional, fun ride. It grip me and I just had to finish it. :)