A review by bookishwonderlandco
If I Die by Rachel Vincent


This had to be the best one yet. I am in love! This book was absolutely amazing! I love Tod! I really, really do! Everything found a way to get so screwed up in this book and then fix itself in the end and it was awesome! It took five books to get good and it was so worth it to read this book! Kaylee is finally growing up and not letting people push her around and she's even pretty B.A. in this book! The story was great, with the incubi. I loved seeing different sides in some of the characters though some of them did let me down. Some characters really came through for Kaylee, in previous book and this one, and it was really such a great book I am just speechless. I honestly can't even explain how good this book was, and I'd probably spoil it if I tried! This was-correction-IS for sure the best one so far and I have no idea how Vincent is going to top this! :D