A review by kidisitor
Pretty Guilty Women by Gina LaManna


This book is totally different than other books by this author. This is a more mature read. It still has some humor thrown in to keep things from getting too heavy, but it is a more serious read. I liked the style of writing this book has. It alternates between several different POVs, and the chapters start with a police transcript. (Which is where much of the humor comes in.) The mystery is written in a way that the readers don't know who it is that has been killed until the end. And each of the women seem to have a motive to kill. (Not necessarily the same person.) There are secrets that are revealed as the story moves along and we get closer to knowing who was killed and why. There is some subject matter that may be difficult to read for some audience (dealing with pregnancy and abuse.) In addition to the actual mystery, this is also a story about friendships, and letting go of the past hurts. The characters are all unique and each has their own problems they are dealing with, some more traumatic than others. Despite their differences and despite the fact that they had lost touch over the years and had some animosity, these ladies pulled together for the greater good when one of them needed help. Even though there is a murder involved, there is a feel good vibe about the book... you don't really get it until all is said and done, but you finish the book on a good note. It's well written, easy to read. There is no sexual content, but it is eluded to a couple of times. There is some heavier subject matter involved, but I would say this is suitable for 16+.

*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley.