A review by fiireads
Humans by Brandon Stanton


I have been a fan of Brandon Stanton since 2016. His Facebook page, Humans of New York, is set to Favorites on my notification settings so that new updates appear first thing on my feed. When he visited Bangladesh for the first time, he had posted an update looking for an interpreter and translator. I was beyond excited to apply for the position and keeping my fingers crossed that I would get selected. Unfortunately, a crisis in the family meant I was no longer available during those mentioned dates and I no longer applied.
Well, guess what! My best from university got the role! And a few days later, she had arrived at my dorm room with an autograph from Brandon! One of my most cherished memorabilia till date!

Therefore, I obviously needed to get my hands on this and it has been a wave of every emotion imaginable, and chock-full of heart-wrenching and euphoric storytelling. If I could give it 10 stars, I would! Thank you Brandon Stanton for existing the same time as I am in this world for keeping my faith in humanity restored on a regular basis.