A review by thekohanacritique
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee


It was a good book in it's own way. In my perspective, if someone has to compare this with To Kill a Mockingbird then you would not like it as much as you had enjoyed reading TKAM. In fact, i would advise you not to read Go Set A Watchman, if you've really loved To Kill A Mockingbird. but, if you want to read it by just thinking of it as as another book by Harper Lee and not as a sequel, then please go ahead and read it! There are some boring parts, but it's a good enjoyable read all in all!

I liked the moral at the end it gave--not to change your own opinions and point of view, regardless of what people say to you or make you believe...even though i agree to this, but i feel it is also important to let your mind listen to what others have to say, and then decide. I wouldn't re-read this book like i would for TKAM. I would rather remember the Atticus I read about and visualized in TKAM than change my views of him in GSAW. Along with Scout, Atticus "killed me" with his sudden change!!