A review by booksuperpower
Deadly Trouble by J.L. Hammer


Deadly Trouble by J.L. Hammer is a 2015 Entangled publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I picked this book out on a whim, thinking it was like a romantic comedy, with some light romantic suspense elements. But, I must say that while the story is not overly dark or heavy in any way, I was genuinely surprised when not only did it bark, but it had a larger bite than I has anticipated. But, I was also very pleased by it's depth and warmth.

This story is action packed with bullets flying in all directions, and don't think for one minute this is not serious business. There is real danger,casualties, and heart pumping suspense.

I loved Lily, Cooper and of course, little Jaime, all of whom were brave in their own way. Lily isn't a pessimist, but like all of us, she is a product of her past, and her past was certainly bumpy, and very emotional.

Cooper, is an atypical hero for a romantic suspense novel, in that he is not some wise cracking detective, or a tattooed alpha military guy. Cooper is a doctor, but not the medical kind. He's professor, and is right on the brink of a huge medical breakthrough. Yet, he exhibits great inner and physical strength and uses his brain to get them out of tight situations, plus he can be funny too. I mean, how hot is that?

Although, Lily's determination to save Jaime has some far reaching repercussions, especially for Cooper, and her constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, causes major problems for the couple, but still, Lily is always putting Cooper first in her thoughts, even when her own situation is equally dire.

While trust is a significant thread running throughout the story, forgiveness also plays a role as Lily will have to confront her past, in order to set things right for herself and Cooper. This was one of my favorite parts of the story because Lily brings the two main men in her life together in order to right a wrong, but she ends up being the winner all the way around.

This is one of the more original romantic suspense novels I've read in a while with unconventional lead characters, in an interesting location, in a situation that calls attention to some real life issues in Belize, but that's not all! There's a really sweet romance, and a heartwarming feel good story on top of that.

I really did enjoy this book and I recommend it to those who enjoy contemporary romance and romantic suspense.
4 stars