A review by agnes_marie
Et helt halvt år by Jojo Moyes


4.5/5 ⭐️

Very moving book! The beginning was a bit slow, but I ended up really relating to and liking Lous character, she is special and not like most main characters I see in books. Even though I don’t necessarily agree with the moral of the book (or at least some of it), it was a good read! It made me want to read more, and it stirred up my emotions. In the end I was almost crying, and I usually don’t cry so that’s a mark of a good book for me. It made me think through questions I thought I already had answers on in a different way, and even though I still stand steady in my beliefs, it made me reflect on it more. After this I want to read more of Moyes, and maybe reread this book! Very much recommended!