A review by sophielaura1
Come Back for Me by Corinne Michaels



3.75 stars ✨ The major plot point of this book started quick right out the gate. It was a lot and definitely should come more obvious trigger warnings. Make sure you look them up prior to reading. I do think the heavy topic was handled somewhat well, but also did feel a little rushed and a little surface level.

Despite having Connor’s pov throughout, it felt like we never actually knew his character or got deep into his feelings, even though he has a troubled background and a lot could’ve been done with his history. 

The actual romance aspect of this book was pretty average. We should’ve gotten more flashbacks to their ‘magical night’ to fully develop their relationship as it felt it went from 0 to 100 pretty fast. Hadley was a cute kid as far as kids go in books, and most authors fuck up when they’re writing kids tbh so props to the author. 

I do think that I’m going to continue with the series as all of the other brothers intrigued me, especially Declan and Sydney. Overall, it was a pretty average read,