A review by lisaluvsliterature
If You Give A Jerk A Gingerbread by Jana Aston


4.5 stars.
I have to say I liked the name of the character in this book the best, Ginger Spice. We got a tiny bit of a glimpse of this story in the first book. While this story I didn't love as much as the first one, this is the story that convinced me to reach out and purchase the anthology with all three stories from the author. You see, there are many different baked goods discussed in this story, I mean it is about a baking contest. And I wanted to have the recipes! When I reached out to the author about it, she said that I needed the actual written copy, because obviously they won't put recipes in an audiobook. Yeah, yeah, I could have just purchased the ebook, but no, I want a physical copy if I'm going to buy a book for recipes. The other thing I loved about Ginger, besides the yummy sounding baked goods, was her adorable way of cursing. I tend to do that a lot, not that I never use the actual bad words, but for the longest time I didn't, and I still don't feel right using that kind of language in front of people, I'm guessing it's my education career.