A review by jentidders
Nine Moons by Gabriela Wiener


This is a beautifully written and translated memoir of a pregnancy and birth, by the Peruvian-born and Spanish-resident journalist, Gabriela Wiener.

When she becomes unexpectedly pregnant, despite it being poor timing, she and her partner decide to keep the baby, and she begins writing about her pre-partum feelings and experiences, the rollercoaster of emotions and the multitude of logistical challenges new parents have to deal with.

This is a guts-and-all account of impending motherhood, including all of the doubts and fears, all the gross bodily changes, and the sometimes horrendous experiences at the hands of health care professionals, as well of course as the excitement and joy of bringing a child into the world.

I am not a mother nor planning to become one as I've just never experienced maternal urges, but this was a fascinating and engrossing book taking a very woman-centric, honest look at pregnancy, and thanks to the writing and translation it was an absolutely pleasure to read.