A review by terminalfin
Escape from Witchwood Hollow by Jordan Elizabeth


This is the third Jordan Elizabeth novel I've completed over the past two weeks. Not a bad way to wrap up two very long trips to and from the area of our upcoming new home (15-hour drive each way).

This story came highly recommended by my wife as one of her favorite Jordan Elizabeth stories. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. I love the scene-setting that takes place in this book as the time periods shift between various centuries. The way things were wrapped up near the end with the converging timelines was awesome and is a skill I highly respect in an author. Managing these timelines in an effective and seamless manner is a trait that takes talent to ensure loose ends are cleaned up.

Honoria and the other characters throughout the timelines felt real with emotions, reactions, and attributes I could relate to, or see in others, quite easily. Amanda did a phenomenal job with the narration and had the right amount of emotion, inflection, and tone throughout the entire story.

Very well done and highly recommended. 5/5