A review by jdye6529
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James


What to say about this book? Well for starters it's hard reading a book that everyone is talking about and debating so intensely. I kept my mind open going into this book though. It isn't brilliantly written by any means, however it was an interesting read. There were several spelling and grammatical errors. The erotic scenes were very imaginable and sometimes intense, that's why this was written after all. I think I stand on the other side of the fence than most people who saw a problem with the relationship. Some people loved the couple, some very heavily accused Christian Grey of being borderline abusive. I however felt that Mr. Grey was completely open and upfront with what he wanted from Anastasia Steele, and more importantly what he wanted to do with her. Miss Steele however was very manipulative, she wanted to be with Grey and felt the only to do it was on his terms and therefor she would agree only to pout and consider fleeing when things didn't go the way she had planned. Several times she did things or asked for certain things to happen because she thought it would make Christian do what she wanted or would result in her getting another thing she wanted out of him. However when this plan backfired or was harder to handle then she thought it would be, she'd run off and pout like a child, feeling taken advantage of. It's not fair to be mad at a man who does what you asked him to do just because you didn't like what he did. I hope her character grows up a little in the following books, she's very childish and naïve in terms of handling grown up relationships. She's intelligent, hardworking and confident in her daily life but when it comes to Mr. Grey she is very childlike. Also Christian has a long list of personal problems, I'm not saying he doesn't but he's aware of said problems and is brutally honest in his intentions and needs/wants from the beginning. I look forward to reading the following two books in hopes that each character grows, I'm very interested in seeing how this pans out.