A review by jen286
The Marquess of Cake by Heather Hiestand


The Marquess of Cakes was a fun read. It is set in the Victorian era, which I love, but the writing and story are more modern at the same time. You wouldn't pick up this book and think it was really written then, but it was fun to read. It has been updated a bit and is kind of ridiculous but I really enjoyed it.

Alys loves making cakes. She works at her father's tea shop and cannot imagine anything else. She is older for the time period and has no intention of marrying. She doesn't need or want a man in her life. She just wants her cakes.

Hatbrook has a weakness for sugar. He needs to eat something every hour or he gets shaky and ill tempered. Usually that something is a sweet of some sort. He really is a bit obsessed with sugary treats. He does not really have any interest in getting married and all that, he just wants to work and eat treats. When he first sees Alys he is intrigued. She smells like cake and entices him just with the way she is. They keep running into each other and they are both intrigued by the other.

Of course everything is not just sunshine and roses. Alys' father gets a bump up in society so things start to change, namely Alys can no longer work in the the tea shop and now her father wants to marry her off. Even though she is upset she knows that her working would hurt her sisters chances for a good marriage. She does try to help them out as much as she can all the while growing closer to Hatbrook. Their romance grows and there are some issues long the way, but you still get that sudden ending where everything is perfect and everyone in love that I love so much in older romances. All along the way you have the normal society things that would be in a book from this time, but they way they were written was a little lax. I loved it. Really a fun, kind of ridiculous, victorian read.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland