A review by take_me_awayyy
Boomerang by Noelle August


You can find more of my reviews here on my blog: Take Me Away...

I tried to hold off on reading this one as long as I could, but seeing all the amazing reviews and letting my eyes keep drifting to that amazing cover, I knew I didn't really have a choice. I finally got one free second and I devoured it.
Mia and Ethan spent one night together and secretly plan many more. That is until they see that they work together. At a place that they find out has a strict no dating policy. Add on to the fact that they are competing for a job that they were both promised... Yeah, no bueno. They go through so much to avoid each other, that it keeps bringing them right back together. And it doesn't matter where they are, the time they spend together is ELECTRIC.
I LOVED Ethan. He was so sweet and he seemed to be the perfect man. I wanted to reach inside Boomerang and take him out to have a real life copy of him. He really took great care of Mia. Even when he didn't know he was trying. Which I think makes him one of the best book boys ever. Being amazing while not trying is adorable. As for Mia, she is one impulsive chick. I'm not going to lie though, for a minute there she kind of got on my nerves after that one stunt she pulled, but gradually, I got over it. Overall, she was super smart, innovative, and super creative. And having a degree in broadcast production, I LOVED that she was a film maker.
Mia and Ethan together were a different story. They were magic together. But, you won't see that until the end of the novel. Most of the book is spent trying to keep their distance from each other. But I won't lie and say that they succeed. There are some times they slip up and find themselves in the arms of each other and I can't tell you how much I had to put the book down for a little bit. Ethan is super hot and so sweet with Mia. I loved getting those glimpses of them together. But sometimes it was like torture. Like during the "office scene" I wanted something to happen RIGHT THERE so bad, but of course, it was ruined. I really hated their interruption for the rest of the book lol
Lastly, there's the writing style. I thought of this book like a hilarious movie playing out in my mind. It was absolutely hilarious. I found myself reading it at the gym and getting dirty looks from people that seemed so upset that I wasn't feeling the burn. I'm sure they were thinking "Seriously, who's that happy at the gym..." but that's beside the point. This book had me laughing in the weirdest places.
It's not normal that I write in all caps so often in my reviews, so clearly this book was something special. I loved the characters, the realistic writing style, and the relationship Ethan and Mia share. Noelle August (who I just found out is Veronica Rossi and Lorin Oberweger!) make for a hilariously, sexy New Adult novel that everyone can enjoy.