A review by ameserole
Flowers in the Snow by Danielle Stewart


Flowers in the Snow was one of those books that was never on my radar until recently. Maybe it's because of a challenge or maybe it's because I'm probably set in my ways when it comes to adding books to my TBR. Either way, I'm very happy that I got the chance to dive into this.

Now this book doesn't shy away from the ugly. Like at all. I liked how it showed all the ugliness of racism because it's a thing that still happens today. It's very ugly to see, hear, or even read about. But I liked how Danielle dove into this topic though. It was eye opening at times.

As for everything else, it was just a really easy book to read. It had some twists and turns that I wasn't completely expecting and others that I did. The ending was definitely really good and I just don't want to spoil anything else. Go read it.