A review by bookish_manda
Better Than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management by Dominique Smith, Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher


Better Than Carrots or Sticks is a book on classroom management and the use of positive and restorative practices. This book is full of good strategies that teachers can use to build student-teacher and student-student relationships in the classroom, and the authors use many student examples to illustrate these strategies. The information is organized well and written so that it is easily understood.

I read this book as part of a book study for my school district's professional development course offerings. I appreciate the new perspective that Smith, Fisher, and Frey present in regards to positive and restorative practices versus punitive practices. This information reminds me of the famous saying "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime". As teachers (and parents) we should strive to help our students develop the social skills to flourish in society. That means that instead of hurting them academically by suspending them we show grace and help the students discover a better way to respond to an event or situation.

If you are an educator, I highly recommend you read this book. Even if you don't agree with the author's on everything you will surely find something that you could implement in your classroom.