A review by bookspinesandwine
Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult


I'll start with the positives. I could not put this down, because as usual Picoult's pacing is great. Her writing(also as usual) is amazing. There was one scene where she described Charlotte baking, kind of lost in her own little world and I just thought: wow. I loved Amelia, and felt for her immensely, which is why I hated her parents even more than I already did (more on that in a sec). I also loved how Willow was so smart and full of useless trivia.

I love books where I learn something new, the kind of book that makes me go on Wikipedia and look a bunch of stuff up after I'm finished. Handle with Care taught me a lot about Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or “brittle bone disease.” Picoult really puts a lot of research into her novels, and it shows. This book is very character driven. And I hated most of them. To describe them, I guess the rest of this review can be seen as spoiler-ish but not really going to ruin anything for you.

Sean- so hell bent on being “the good guy” that I don't think he was a good guy at all. Stop whining already and be there for your family.

Charlotte- pay attention to your OTHER daughter for heaven's sake! And I honestly don't think the money is worth all the ruined relationships.

The side plot with the lawyer was unnecessary. The ending “twist” was also really random , unnecessary, and not very believable. Just a thrown in, tacked on at the last second kind of ending.The rest of the characters I don't feel like mentioning because I didn't really care about them. Piper, yeah I felt bad for her. Until another certain unnecessary plot point I will not mention here, then I hated her as well.

Overall, if you want to read a Jodi Picoult book, go for My Sister's Keeper, Nineteen Minutes, or Plain Truth. (My faves). This one goes in the pile with The Tenth Circle and Change of Heart for me.