A review by isalaur
Three Thousand Miles by Meg Perry



This is an engaging story with some subtle (and not so subtle) social messaging. It’s a quick read and a clean (OTP sex) m/m mystery romance.

This is the second book in the series featuring space reporter Justin and Air Force Special Investigator Greg. Greg is a former homicide detective and not military though he works for the military. The series takes place in Florida and surrounds the space industry. This book starts with the murder of a former astronaut. Greg and Justin work separately but enhance each other’s work with the information they can gather. The mystery builds well. There’s a subplot surrounding Justin’s mother which doesn’t seem to serve any purpose other than providing a reason for Justin and Greg to move in together. It’s a bit soon (six months) in the relationship for that according to Justin so I assume this is going to provide fodder for future books.

The series is low angst and provides a nice breather from heavier fare.