A review by juliesinstaricelife
My Husband's Lies by Liz Lawler


Kate is a doctor, she is married to Mark, a pilot, and they have 5 year old son. Mark was in Barcelona and someone is murdered. He gets accused of this murder. The victim is a former coworker and was fired for stalking his best friend Robert, also a pilot, a year prior. Olivia is a flight attendant who Kate has never met but when Mark is hit by a car and in a coma, she moves into Kate's house to help with her son. (Robert introduced them, and we trust Robert, so I guess we trust Olivia?) Then Kate, who is supposed to be smart, decided to go to Barcelona and try to find her own evidence that Mark is innocent, leaving her kid with someone she knows nothing about. Oh right, Mark won't tell Kate anything about what happened that night. That's not sketchy at all. When she gets back, Mark wakes up and refuses to let her in the hospital to see him. Olivia meanwhile has made herself right at home, rearranging furniture, wearing Kate's clothes, buying things for the house and child and dog. It's just, super realistic and normal that Kate thinks this is all great and she goes back to work and continues to let Olivia watch her child while Mark waits to get arrested. I can't tell you anything else without giving away major plot points, but this was twisty and complex and relatively entertaining, if you can get past your desire to shake Kate repeatedly. I really didn't see the ending coming, and I do enjoy it when that happens in a thriller.

Give it a listen! I dare you.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!