A review by djwudi
Zombies of the Gene Pool by Sharyn McCrumb


A light but enjoyable sequel to [b:Bimbos of the Death Sun|471512|Bimbos of the Death Sun (Jay Omega, #1)|Sharyn McCrumb|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1288223342s/471512.jpg|459808], picking up a few years later as Jay Omega and girlfriend Marion join a professor friend and former SF author on a trip to a reunion of a storied group of Golden Age SF authors. Where Bimbos used a SF/F con as its setting, Zombies uses the reunion to evoke much of early SF fandom and how it changed over the next few decades. More sedate than Bimbos, Zombies has less of the fandom snark and less humor, but is certainly not without occasional doses of both.