A review by writings_of_a_reader
The Master Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg


This was my least favorite book of the trilogy. There were things I liked a lot about it, but unfortunately by this point I felt like Ceony should have grown and matured a bit more. Her actions were still reckless, even after everything that happened in the first two books. It was like she never learned to use her head and think things through first, and she ended up jumping into situations she shouldn't have. This was acceptable in the first book and even a bit in the second because she was new to everything and young, but three years goes by between the second and last book so I feel like she should have learned from her past mistakes by then.

I did like that Ceony learns how to use the other types of magic, and learning about how they worked was also something I enjoyed about the book, though it did feel like the excisioners were too overpowered compared to the other types of magic. It didn't seem like the same kind of rules applied to them, but maybe that was because they were using a dark, forbidden magic. I don't know, but it was definitely unbalanced. I did like the way this ended, and although I'm not going to say how the villain dies, I will say that it had me giggling...and yes I know it probably doesn't sound right to giggle about a death, but the way it happened was so amusing to me.

Review also posted at Writings of a Reader.