A review by tiggers_hate_acorns
Italian Ice by E.M. Lynley


Had to read this and next onto [b:Jaded|18687791|Jaded (Precious Gems #3)|E.M. Lynley|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1382153558s/18687791.jpg|26531460] so I can read [b:24-Karat Conspiracy|25620200|24-Karat Conspiracy (Precious Gems, #4)|E.M. Lynley|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1432843942s/25620200.jpg|45432502] for SH. Didn't hold out much hope as [b:Rarer Than Rubies|13507302|Rarer Than Rubies (Precious Gems, #1)|E.M. Lynley|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1330655869s/13507302.jpg|15123747] had been disappointing but I am happy to report that this one was much better. Still pretty unbelievable plot line ( like most James Bond) but good entertainment. Trent is still like an eager puppy, jumping in with both paws and getting into trouble. I liked Reed ( if that is his name) better in this book and felt more of a connection between the two men. Again I loved the descriptions of the places. I have been to Rome but not Sicily or the smaller islands. A good 4 star read.