A review by jscarpa14
Break the Ice by L.A. Cotton


I really Enjoyed this one

Okay so my biggest thing is I feel like more on the page scenes between Austin and Rory would have been great because her relationship with her brother is a big part of her growth story. Again I have similar sentiments with both of their parents. The mental traumas are such a big part of their identities I'd have liked less summary with tying up those wounds and more real time scenes.

Additionally I have a serious issue with Connor and Ella and how their atrocious behavior was dismissed as okay due to their intentions. It read to me a bit like saying idk manslaughter is okay because you didn't go into it intending to kill someone. That's probably a bad example but doing shitty things for the supposed right reasons doesn't make them less shitty. Okay yeah actually that part really bugged me, a lot. That shouldn't have been a quick to forgive moment it should have been one of those it takes a long time to trust again and seriously reevaluate the friendship moments. It makes them both read like doormats and undermines all of their character growth to view themselves as worthy to just shrug their friends' behavior off as well meaning. Honestly this part upset me enough I dropped a start because of it.

But I really enjoyed the story and the characters, the way everyone is so beautifully broken. I loved the way they're unique, with unexpected trauma and no clichéd description. Although I will stay it struck me as odd that more physical description was given for secondary characters than main ones. It's an interesting story that I'd definitely recommend.