A review by alangmaack
Good Good Father for Little Ones by Chris Tomlin, Pat Barrett


Most of you know the song Good Good Father, sung by Chris Tomlin. Now, not only is this not only a very popular Christian song but a book as well.

Chris Tomlin and Pat Barrett, both fathers, understand the importance of imparting the characteristics of God to our children. The goal with this book is to show kids the Great love of God.

Good Good Father for Little Ones

This new children's book starts with the question, "What is a Good Good Father like?" Through the pages of this book, you will take your young children on a journey with a little bear character to discover the "job descriptions" of a good father. Each pair of pages describes one job that the Father carries out and then how it applies specifically to your child.

The drawings were cute and captured Sarabeth's attention. Sarabeth, at 2, enjoyed seeing the different roles, though I'm pretty sure the descriptions were a bit above her comprehension at this point in time.

A Few Impressions

While I found the story sweet and engaging, I finished the first reading feeling like I had missed something significant. Though the back copy of this book says straight away that "God is a good, good Father," that message is not spelled out inside the pages of the book.

I read the story a second time, again looking for how Tomlin and Barrett would connect the message of a Good Good Father specifically to God himself. But it wasn't there.

So, while this is a sweet story, there's a caveat here for me. It's going to require conversations with your children, especially young ones, to share with them how God is your Father. It may be a great way for a parent to begin explaining God's role in the life of young children. I just personally found myself wishing it was spelled out within the actual pages of this book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”