A review by amz101
Holiday for Hire by Kayti McGee, Laurelin Paige


Not a massive fan of holiday reads, but Laurelin Paige is a favorite of mine and Kayti McGee is a new to me author that I have wanted to read for a while now.

Jane was dumped by someone she thought she would end up marrying. It ticked all the right boxes,... Until he left her. So like most, she picked herself back up and tried to move forward. It wasn't until she got an invite to the wedding that she knew she had to find someone to take with her...

So that's when she goes and hires a fake date.

Enters Ian. He hasn't had the best luck, but he gives life his all. But in no way were these two expecting what they got out of this arrangement. It was meant to be an arrangement but lines get blurred and connections are made.

This was a short, entertaining, sexy and fun read. I rather enjoyed it and wish there was more. It was short but didn't really lack for much. It was the perfect, easy and fun read and perfect for the holidays!

5 Stars