A review by readivine
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders by Sōji Shimada


"You know, watching the movement of the planets every day makes you realize how small and insignificant our daily lives are. We argue. We fight. We struggle. We compete to increase our wealth. Look at the universe. Its movement is so dynamic, like a huge clock. The earth is just a cog in the gears of the clock, and humans make no more difference than bacteria do."
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders is the first installment of the Kiyoshi Mitarai books and uses the classic locked-room trope in a murder mystery.

Upon reading the first chapter, it's evident that some people will continue reading it and some won't. The first part of the book is told through a documentary reporting style that will not really appeal to all. Alongside this, if I didn't have the prior knowledge about astrology (not just the surface-level sun sign interpretation and horoscopes) as well as the ability to visualize floor plans, I definitely would put this book down. The attention to detail was toooooo in depth in how the murder was orchestrated and would only go unnoticed if the readers don't have the energy to digest it as well the prior knowledge. It really does make a difference.

In this sense, I really felt like this book was made for people like me AHAHHA I've only studied astrology last year and architecture for 5 years and I get to see them in a book???? Dannnngg. I engorged this one happily knowing that I know all the details being spewed out.

I gave this a 4 star since this resonated with what I love and mostly because each chapter will give you a satisfying treat of clues that will keep you on your toes. Another thing I love here is that the author "intruded" in the book's progression with a note that challenges the readers to solve the mystery. It was really refreshing and kind of cute!! Although of course, the nature of the murders are quite grotesque.

What I didn't like here was everything solved in an anticlimactic manner though the resolution of the murder was a genius one! I just didn't like how it was executed. This would be a solid 5 star if the details were trimmed down a little bit. However, I'm sure that true crime enthusiasts might really love this work of art! Though I must say, this book is really not for everybody.