A review by shuzyblues
Renegade Love: An Alien Bounty Hunter Romance by Ann Aguirre


I freaking loved this book! The heist storyline, all the adventure and droids. The theme of family, being loved, wanted and accepted.

I loved Yara and Oren. Give me an emotionally damaged MMC in need of love and acceptance and I will melt into a puddle. Add a witty, strong female with nothing to lose and lots of love to give…perfection. Plus all of the side characters, they felt fully developed without taking up too much of the story. I kept worrying that Yara’s mom would end being bad and turning on them and was so relieved that she was just her mom and they were happy to be reunited. I also enjoyed the return of characters from the last book in the series, even Bojak.

I loved the slow burn of revealing Oren, what he looked like and who he is. And one of my favorite thing about this whole series is that the aliens are ALIEN, not kind of alien but still with human junk…it’s true sci-fi weirdness happening and I love it. This was such a wonderful read, I found myself immersed and enjoying every minute of it. Especially all of Orens declarations to Yara and the way he calls her “my tiny nightmare”…swoon, hard swoon.

“I’ve hoarded words, traveling alone as I did, but I will spend them all praising you.”