A review by teresajluvs2read
Protecting the Future by Susan Stoker


What a fitting end to a fantastic series

Although, I'm sorry that the SEAL of Protection series has to end, this final book was the best I think of the series. We get to see how everyone is doing and whether they have children or not. Even Commander Hurt, Julie , Tex and Melody are included.

The team is called out on a mission that each one of the guys are feeling some misgivings about. However, the one person who surprised me was little Akilah, and her ability to read lips. The way she amused the children and protected them was very tender and loving.

But it will be the "package" the team is sent to retrieve that will take your heart and soul because you'll fall in love with her. Tears will fall, in the end but everyone survives and a new Delta Team of hot men will be born to read about and of course fall in love with. My question is this how patient can we all be for Rescuing Rayne after that two chapter teaser at the end will make you want the new book out now not in February.

Thank you Susan Stoker for building a family with each of the SEAL of Protection men and the women they fall in love with.