A review by backpackingbookworm
Helping Mayor Patty by Fran Manushkin


This is a brilliant children's book for ages 5-7. It is well-represented and poses relevant questions and decisions for children that age to consider.

Katie's Aunt Patty has just been elected Mayor of her town. Her mom takes her along to the first meeting where Aunt Patty asks the attendees what their neighborhood is missing. Examples include brighter streetlights and a fire station. Katie's friend Pedro whispers that they could certainly use ice cream in their neighborhood. But Katie has a better idea. After drawing a rough sketch of her neighborhood, she realizes that the children don't have anywhere safe to play. She raises her hand and suggests a park. Mayor Patty and the council think it is an excellent idea and agree. The park is built and the neighborhood is happy.

I love how this book includes children's suggestions in an adult environment. It shows that children should have freedom of speech and give their own suggestions about ways to improve their local community. I liked how there was a glossary included to explain words that children that age might be new to, like vote and tax money. It is an educational throughout and a great way to improve children's creative thinking. I thought the questions at the end were excellent too, allowing children to express their ideas after reading the story.

I would definitely buy this to read with my child. The content is relevant and interesting and the additional information at the back of the book is educational, inspiring children to take the story further and consider what they can do to improve their neighborhood.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free digital copy or this book in exchange for an honest review.