A review by thebookishtales
Bottled Goods by Sophie van Llewyn


I am still struggling to collect my thoughts about this book and write a proper review. This book made me think for a long time and I didn't imagine I would love it so much. If this book wasn't longlisted for the Women's prize, I wouldn't have come to know about it. I am glad I went in with no expectations.
It's set in Romania during the Communist era, the late 60s and early 70s. The Communist government decided everything, it's like living a pre defined life. It's a very simple tale of common folk in the country living under the regime.
Bottled Goods is about a young married couple, Alina and Liviu. Liviu's brother defects to the West and the couple are harassed by the Romanian communist authorities.
Alina's struggles enamoured me, the life under a Stalinist regime constantly angered and scared me.
We follow Alina's journey, her life when she gets married to the 1990s. How her husband and she try to "escape" the claustrophobic regime. Alina had a strong and a clear voice which won me!
I really enjoyed reading about Romania and it's traditions and folklore. Llewyn has beautifully embedded magical realism in the story. It was a very strenuous book at times, but it captured my attention from the first page. The unusual prose and the short chapters made this book a fast paced read. I understood the title after reading it and it's such a clever title for this little gem! I was constantly thinking about Alina and it made me question my beliefs and choices. A marvelous book, which makes you think hard. I highly recommend this one.