A review by sc104906
This Is Where the World Ends by Amy Zhang


Micah wakes up in a hospital and has severe memory problems. His best friends house has burnt down and many people have gotten hurt, but he has no idea why. The police keep questioning his involvement and his friend/family, Dewey, won't give him any answers. Where is Janie Vivien? What happened that night?
Janie Vivien hates her parents money and their new house. She loves Virginia Woolf quotes, art, and living life to the fullest. Her perspective describes the relationship between her and Micah and the events leading up to the tragic bonfire.

I just can't. This book was like a sub-par imitation of Looking for Alaska. Janie has the excitement and drive to live life, but no actual direction. This character is not likable and presents herself as being smarter than she is. The overwhelming amount of inside jokes between the friends detracts from the story and I just didn't care to figure it out. Crazy amount of cursing going on in this book.