A review by seriouslybookish
Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas


Where do I even begin?

There are so many things in this book that just pissed me off. I’ve read reviews and heard people talk about this book but I’m just not sure we read the same book because this book was so problematic.

1. When Mischa meets Reyna and instantly hates her because she isn’t like whom he pictured. I’m pretty sure he said he’d thought of her as someone with glasses and braces (correct me if I am wrong). Obviously being a bombshell is just the worst.
2. Reyna was whiny and constantly had a pity party about things that happened to her when she was a child. Don’t get me wrong. I and not discounting the fact that she was bullied and has always felt lonely as a child. But that level of self pity is not healthy.
3. That Reyna fantasised about Micha without ever knowing what he looked like. That whole party just didn’t match with the story because before that there was no indication she had been in love with him from before they met. It’s like the author just threw that in there to give another layer to their relationship. Also it was Mischa who brought up the fact that she probably didn’t have sex with any one because she was waiting for him.
4. Reyna’s friends. Don’t even get me started on how fucked up they were. None of them treated her right not did they treat anyone else right. They were shitty as fuck.
5. Trey our resident SOB. He was such a disposable character that I could not stand him. The worst part I think were the pictures of the girls that he had.
6. That when Reyna found out about the pictures she wasn’t even concerned about her friend. I know she doesn’t really consider them as her friends, especially Layla, but she should have areas let her friend know.
7. Micha. PERIOD. I don’t think there was anything about him that I actually liked.
8. Dubious consent. She said no but he ignores her but then he touches her and forgets that she said no. Like WTF?

There’s more but I think do now rant is over.

Now I’m wondering why I even continued with this book.