A review by alli_the_bookaholic13
Deceived by Danielle Pays


I went into Deceived expecting more romance than anything else, so I was left disappointed by my own expectations.
The focus of this book was more on all the drama and wild things that kept happening, and I found that I was both interested and bored while reading. There was so much drama, that it started to feel repetitive, and I didn’t feel like I really knew any of the characters. I couldn’t connect with them, and so I just felt like they were all acting badly in the situations.
Brooke is the new owner of Knowlton Winery after the death of her parents. Her accountant, Matt, has always creeped her out, but she never does anything about this. If she’d only dealt with this situation in the beginning, the whole book wouldn’t have happened. Declan works for his dad’s property managing business which means that he’s Brooke’s landlord.
When Declan goes to investigate why the winery hasn’t been paying rent, he sees Brooke. There was a little bit of insta-love feelings during Brooke and Declan’s first meeting, and their relationship formed from there. We don’t get to see much of their relationship building up, and instead we only get the parts where they’re already acting like they’re falling completely in love.
I thought the writing was good, and I was interested enough in the book to read it in one sitting, but I didn’t really get a lot of romance or suspense out of this one.