A review by shane
Doctor Who: Festival of Death by Jonathan Morris


This was an excellent read. A very entertaining story. Tom Baker and Lalla Ward never let me down anyway and their voices and personalities really do come through in this book. I've said it before but I love the fourth Doctor and always enjoy reading his stories. This has it all really, the best Doctor, (one of)the best companions, an engaging storyline, some great supporting characters(hoopy is wonderful), and a lot of light-hearted fun all the way through.

If there's one thing that lets a lot of Doctor Who novels down a little, it's that the ones I've read so far tend to be set in places that involve the Doctor & Co. running through seemingly endless, same-ish corridors. However, I've not read enough Doctor Who books to be able to say that this is a feature/failing of most of them. Time will tell. I'm certainly planning on reading all of the 4th Doctor novels, I just miss Tom Baker so much in his role as the Doctor that it would be wrong of me not to continue with the rest ...and if they're as good as this and Shada I'll be glad I did.