A review by kidisitor
Just One of the Groomsmen by Cindi Madsen


This friends to lovers romance has a cuteness about it, but the characters and their sassy attitudes gives it a little spunk. I loved the character Addie and how she was one of the guys, but deep down she still had the same emotional turmoil as girls everywhere. While playing a huge part in their little circle of friends, she still felt like the odd man out (being the only female in the group.) Tucker was sexy and sweet. Their transition from just friends to more was a sort of slow burn. Of course just when things are going well for the pair, a wrench was thrown into the works. It's a fun story with lots of 'should we' 'shouldn't we' push and pull. It's well written and I especially enjoyed the characters inner dialog. You really feel their struggles. There's a plenty of humor and a few sad moments. There is a small amount of sexual content, but it's kept rather PG-13. (You know what's going on, but it isn't graphic.) My only complaint is that some of the things Addie worried about, in regards to their relationship, were never really discussed with Tucker. Though it is a happy ever after, I would have liked to seen his response to these. Other that that, it was a good and well rounded story with plenty of crazy characters in the mix. :)

*I received an ARC from Netgalley.