A review by etinney
The Eternal Sea by Angie Frazier


Like the first book, The Eternal Sea is MUCH better than it sounds like. I found that I couldn't stop reading it, which is weird for me when the book is mostly about a love triangle. So I have come up with three reasons why this might be possible:
1. Frazier is a good writer: Frazier is able to mix romance and adventure well, which is rare these days. She doesn't make me want to puke at the romance! Whoa! Also, I actually like that Camille understands that Randall is a good guy. Usually, you have the girl in love with the broody guy and she totally ignores the good guy. And although Oscar was the broody guy, the fact that he died at the end was a nice plot twist from the norm. Also can I mention that Randall was a sexy badass at times?? He kisses her, and she says to stop, and he looks at her like, I'm not even sorry. That just made me crack up.

2. I have finally accepted that stories about romance can be good reads: Although Twilight and Fallen kind of destroy this theory, I have read enough good romance books to *reluctantly* accept that I would actually enjoy a book where romance is a key component in the plot. However, there has to be a badass fight scene in there. I am not, nor will I ever be, a Nicholas Sparks girl.

3. I'm turning into a teenage girl: DARN YOU HORMONES!!! AHHHHHH why do I picture a man sweeping me off my feet, URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

*deep breath, Erin*

Okay, moving on. There were a couple of things I didn't like. First, IRA WAS GONE. Why is it that during the sequel of my favorite books, my favorite character dies or disappears for some/most of the book??? Next, I still don't like that her dad was still not resurrected. I know that's one of the points of the novel, but it still was annoying to me.

Overall: 3.75 out of 5 stars

Cover: I like this better than the first cover, and the art is nice.