A review by meezcarrie
Desperate Measures by Sandra Orchard


4 1/2 stars!

Desperate Measures brings the Port Aster trilogy to a riveting finish, packed with suspense, faith, and a sweet romance. In this book, the small gossipy town near Niagara Falls seemed to be hosting “old home week” for all of Kate Adams’ enemies – with a few extra possibly-bad guys & gals thrown in for good measure. There were times when I gave up trying to figure out whodunit because I honestly had no idea! I thought I knew… and then I didn’t anymore. These are the best kinds of suspense stories – they keep you engaged right until the last page.

In Deadly Devotion, the first book in the series, we were introduced to a budding romance between the two main protagonists – Kate Adams (an herbal research scientist who seems to stumble into her fair share of capers) and Detective Tom Parker (a former FBI agent still dealing with the death of his partner). Kate and Tom have been will-they, won’t-they (of course they will!) all throughout the series but the affection between them remains palpable even when their mutual trust issues cloud the relationship. It was sweet (and sometimes swoony) to watch the flirting get some real emotion behind it in Desperate Measures and to see how their faith in God will help them both learn to trust.

My favorite line across the series comes out of this third and final book – “She was harboring a fugitive plant in her basement.” :) I just get a hilarious image in my head when I read it!

The characters, the plot, the romance, the loose ends all tied up – a perfect finale to a delightful series! I give Desperate Measures and the entire Port Aster series 4 1/2 stars!

(I received a copy of Desperate Measures from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.)