A review by smittenibelieve
First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety by Sarah Wilson


I wrestled with whether I liked this book or not at multiple stages of getting through it. At times I felt seen, understood and moved. Others I was just plain frustrated at what I was reading.

I want to point out that one of the things leaving a bad taste in my mouth were the references to previously being fat as this horrible thing (which… she wasn’t even. Queue massive eye roll). I didn’t know who Sarah Wilson was prior to reading this and so when I began reading the book and discovered the ‘sugar = bad’ stuff, I almost didn’t want to keep reading.

That (and some other comments here and there that I found gross) aside, I did enjoy this book and feel like I have some solid takeaways. While I didn’t always agree or understand her viewpoint, I did appreciate the vulnerability and rawness that came with sharing her experience with mental illness so candidly. It is needed.