A review by sophie020
The Starless Sea, by Erin Morgenstern


Admittedly I spent a majority of this novel confused. It's more an extended metaphor than plot. I'm actually still trying to figure out what the "plot" was. It's a unique novel to be sure and not one that is easy to pull off.

It's less of a story and more of a place. 'The Starless Sea'; where all story's become one. Over the course of the novel you get to know more seemingly disconnected characters and start to understand more of how this 'world beneath the world' operates. It's a magical place; a combination of so many different myths and fairy tales into one very sticky sea of honey.

The characters are all likable, although you don't truly get to know many of them. I like Eleanor. She's sweet and reminds me of someone although I can't remember who. She somehow went from being a rabbit to a pirate which is cool. I think.

It's written in the whimsical way that Erin Morgenstern is well known for, I liked her 'The Night Circus', which I seem to remember also confused me greatly yet enticed me all the same. She has a way of writing that never fails to enchant the reader.