A review by joliendelandsheer
Rat Queens Volume 1: Sass & Sorcery by Kurtis J. Wiebe


Review on my blog, The Fictional Reader

I’ve been trying to read more graphic novels in the past few years, and Rat Queens has fascinated me for a while. I have to admit that I didn’t really know anything about it before I started reading. I just read the first two sentences of the synopsis. And it was GLORIOUS. I absolutely loved it. Before the actual story line starts, it has little portraits of each Rat Queen and who they are which is so handy! Each Rat Queen is so different, and I think from a different race (fantasy-wise) and different background. For example, Hannah was raised by 2 necromancers, and she’s an elf. Dee, a human, was raised in a cult that worships a giant octopus? I love the diversity here.

This was a fun, action-packed graphic novel with beautiful illustrations. I think Dee’s portrait is one of my favorite graphic novel illustrations ever. The Rat Queens are basically mercenaries, taking on a task for payment. This leads to some pretty dangerous (and hilarious) scenes. I loved the interactions between the characters and the overall story line. Plus, their witty banter is genius. I will say that if you are not comfortable with drinking, swearing, violence and/or sex, this graphic novel is not for you. All 4 are present here, so skip on reading this if those topics make you feel uncomfortable. When I finished this one, I couldn’t wait to read the second volume!