A review by _lost_in_wonderland_
The Demon World by Sally Green


I wasn't planning on writing a review, but I realised this book series is not getting the attention it deserves, so I'll write a quick one. The first book in this series pulled me out of a several-month-long reading slump, and really got me excited to get back into reading again. I would also like to mention that this book has LGBT+ representation, which I barely see in fantasy medieval-type fiction. It was super exciting, the characters are all really thought-out, interesting and different, the world expands beyond what we see in the first book, and I'd love to see it expand even more.
Spoiler The demon world??? The way the demons communicate??? Amazing! But the main thing I would like to mention is how much the ending broke me, there were so many loose threads and though I know that is how cliffhangers work, it made me so mad that so much was left unfinished - Edyon and March heartbroken, not getting Prince Tzayn's reaction to Ambrose and Catherine? And most importantly!! My girl Tash! If she isn't safe by the start of the first book I am throwing hands, someone please save that child.
This review is a mess, a little all over the place, I've probably missed stuff, I'm sorry. Goodbye.