A review by lberestecki
Joss Whedon: The Biography by Amy Pascale


I now know more than I ever needed to know about Joss Whedon, but I love everything he's done so I really enjoyed reading about the history and production of his shows and movies. The author did a pretty good job of not completely fawning over Whedon, but the book did often present him as a bit of feminist icon, which is often how he's presented in the media. Clearly he's a feminist and he's created some amazing female characters, but he also fridged Penny and killed off Tara (and he's a guy), so the degree to which people praise him for feminism has always struck me as a bit much. But overall I enjoyed the book, and I think it's a good read for fans of his work, especially of his shows. And I always love to see Dollhouse getting some love because I think it's very underrated.

Also there was so much Nathan Fillion in this book and he's the best.